Release & Forgive
Thank you for your kind contribution to our IndieGoGo – QWIP Quantum Way To Inner Power project.
Forgiveness is a key element to living a stress free life. Anger, specifically, holding on to the energy of anger is a primary source of unforgiveness and our inability to “let go.’
Release & Forgive, is designed to find and remove the biggest anger that you have held on to, suppressed and now must manage daily (un-beknownst to you, as it is deeply stuffed in your sub-conscious). Release & Forgive also has a self-anger component to remove the destructive force of this self-anger.
The few minutes that you are about to invest in your future will release some extremely toxic baggage that has been working against you for years. You may experience a new found sense of euphoria upon completing these two simple exercises. Take a picture of yourself prior to completing these exercises. Then take a picture of yourself in one week, after you have completed these exercises each day for that week.
We look forward to the comments that we receive, as they always seem quite miraculous.
Thank you again for the contribution that you have made at the Release & Forgive level. We know that changes are now eminent in your life.
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